What services can we offer and
diagnostic tools can we utilise?
Women's Health
Women’s health is highly amenable to natural care and we can frequently achieve quick, brilliant results. There are many physiological changes women go through in life, which require appropriate nutrition and hormone levels at various stages.
Women need better support and education to avoid risk factors for disease during their reproductive years, perimenopause, and menopause.
Fertility & IVF Support
Natural healthcare has proven highly successful for couples to become pregnant and carry through to a healthy birth.
Crucial investigations are required for fertility assessment, whether you are undergoing IVF or dealing with PCOS, endometriosis, or miscarriage.
This is just as important for Dads and Mums to seek natural support as it takes two to make a baby.
Children's Health
Children have specific illnesses they are susceptible to, and it is a mistake to think of them as small adults. Their physiology is quite different. We need to take a different approach for our little patients.
Investigating allergies, skin conditions, ADHD, autism support, diet, gastrointestinal, sleep, immunity, or childcare support, you name it.
Men's Health, Hormones and Sports Nutrition
For those that experience Andropause, it can have significant consequences for the health and quality of life of those that do.Hormonal balance in men is just as important as it is for women. We can work together to increase muscle mass, improve performance and maximise the benefits of all exercise.
Natural healthcare is exceptional in autoimmune disorders. Unravelling the processes contributing to autoimmune diseases can reverse and often eradicate the condition. A condition that many people expect to have lifelong.
We can implement conventional and naturopathic, evidence- and clinically-based interventions to alleviate symptoms and relieve the patient from disease.
Pre-Conception & Pregnancy
Harnessing tools and knowledge required to provide exceptional care to expectant mothers and their babies. Mothers’ and babies’ anatomy and physiology change significantly throughout pregnancy, so their care needs to match their requirements.
The fetal environment has a substantial effect on a newborn’s health. This effect is more significant than we have previously thought, and any damaging effects may become lifelong burdens.
Post Natal
Post-natal deserves its own section, too often overlooked by the conventional system. It is not only the “fourth trimester”, but it can time Mum many years to recover.
Not only is pregnancy and birth physically and nutritionally challenging, but the process from conception to the post-natal period is also a time of substantial hormonal variations.
Some women can cope well with these demands, but it is challenging and depleting for some.
Gastrointestinal Health
The gastrointestinal tract is rightly considered the root of all diseases and is where the best practitioners often begin.
The gut microbiome influences metabolism, body composition, joint mobility, inflammation and more.
We can assess, interpret pathology for and develop care plans for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Colitis, Chrohns Diverticulosis, IBS, SIBO, dysbiosis, Infant GORD, and Colic (and many more), which can all be challenging but managed.
Mental Health
By identifying an underlying nutritional deficiency or inflammatory response in someone, we can sometimes unravel a complex array of symptoms that were thought to be a mental health disorder but are clearly not.
Many signs and symptoms that we attribute to depression and anxiety can also be due to other causes.
For example, fatigue and mood changes of anemia are frequently found in patients with depression. And the inflammatory response has profound neurological effects and needs to be considered and assessed more often.
Diagnostic Tools
Good diagnostics skills set the path for best clinical care, and determining precisely what’s wrong with a patient comes first.
Here is a list of what we can order and assess and if you cannot see what you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact Rebecca, as many more options are not listed here.
Does your GP tell you your blood results are perfectly normal when you do not feel that way?
Naturopaths use a different set of reference ranges that we consider to be healthy people.
Patients often have been told their blood results are good, but when Rebecca has looked deeper, they haven’t been thoroughly tested and can see an autoimmune condition, deficiency, or excess that has been overlooked.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a quantitative test that measures the mineral composition of hair. It is a safe and non-invasive test that reflects the level of nutrients and toxic elements in body tissue.
Minerals are essential for growth, healing, vitality, and well-being. They provide structural support in bones and teeth and maintain the body’s pH, water balance, nerve activity, muscle contractions, energy production, and enzyme reactions. They are the essential ‘spark plugs’ of life.
Our health and well-being may be aggravated by mineral imbalances and toxic metal excesses, aggravating conditions including cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, learning difficulties, and hyperactivity in children, to name just a few.
Comprehensive stool testing can reveal a patient's digestion function, nutrient absorption ability, parasites, pathogens, worms, beneficial bacteria, opportunistic bacteria, overgrowth, candida, H.pylori, and many more.
Rebecca believes testing is a must to hit the nail on the head and not mess around with what the cause of your conditions could be.
These tests show excellent overall health comes from the gut: mental health due to the gut-brain axis, endometriosis, and inflammatory and autoimmune conditions all develop here.
To our 30 trillion human cells, we have, on average, about 39 trillion microbial cells. So by that measure, we're only about 43% human, and the rest is our microbiome,
Our microbiome controls our digestion, nutrient absorption, and serotonin genesis, affecting our mood and sleep and what diseases we develop or fight viruses, cancers, and infections. They run the show.
Knowing our levels or if we are missing a species can tell us a lot about our state of health, where we are headed, and what we can do moving forward to heal.
An MTHFR mutation is a problem associated with poor methylation and enzyme production. MTHFR mutations affect every person differently, sometimes contributing to hardly any noticeable symptoms while other times leading to severe and long-term health problems.
It’s believed that up to 30% to 50% of all people might carry a mutation in the MTHFR gene, inherited and passed down from parent to child.
People with this type of inherited mutation tended to develop certain diseases, including autism and other childhood learning developmental problems, ADHD, down syndrome, depression and anxiety, spina bifida, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autoimmune disorders and thyroid disorders, addictions (alcohol and drug dependence for example), chronic pain disorders, migraines, heart problems, including low HDL “good” cholesterol levels and high homocysteine levels, hormonal issues and fertility problems, including miscarriages and PCOS, pulmonary embolisms, fibromyalgia, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, other tremor disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease, Strokes, Digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome, Problems during pregnancy, including preeclampsia and postpartum depression.
Urine tests open the door to increasing our testing potential for things such as Adrenal fatigue. hormonal imbalance
The dried urine cortisol test is a critical tool that may uncover biochemical imbalances underlying anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, obesity, dysglycemia, and other clinical conditions that may affect our day-to-day lives.
The Comprehensive Metabolic Profile tests for liver function, lipids, electrolytes, creatinine, minerals, etc.
The DUTCH test measures your hormones and shows how your body metabolises them. This is crucial for assessing your risk of developing breast cancer or other hormone-related conditions such as insomnia, stress, fertility, male hormone status for training, metabolism and mental health.
Mycotoxins exposure: secondary metabolites of mould that adversely affect your health. These toxins are produced by some species of mould. These mycotoxins are some of the most toxic substances and cause various health conditions.
People around a toxic mould are usually exposed to airborne mycotoxins by breathing them in. These mycotoxins end up in the lungs and cause breathing problems and other severe symptoms.
The Lactulose Breath Test for SIBO is designed to take a three-hour picture of how the bacteria in your intestinal system are functioning.
When bacteria digest food, they produce gas. It’s when some bacteria that usually live in your lower intestine end up in your small intestine.
The small intestine isn’t set up for these bacteria, so they can cause many problems. When bacteria digest food, they give off Hydrogen and Methane gasses. When these gasses are in your small intestine, they can cause many problems and symptoms.
As the body ages, it is evident that particular hormones decline or fluctuate, causing various health conditions. Salivary testing is a practical, non-invasive test that evaluates bioactive levels of the body’s important stress hormones, cortisol, DHEA, and all male and female hormones and adrenal status.
Hormonal balance is the key to optimal health. Research has long shown that fluctuating levels of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone play a significant role in a woman´s overall health affecting a variety of conditions, including menstrual cycles, sleep patterns, menopause, infertility PCOS, PMS, breast cancer, and endometriosis.
This type of test is a critical tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances underlying anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, obesity, dysglycemia, and other clinical conditions that may affect our day-to-day lives.
The vagina is home to a complex ecosystem of organisms that may include bacteria, viruses, parasites, and yeasts.
Some of these organisms are important in keeping us healthy as they act to discourage other potential pathogens from thriving. Disruptions in these balances can lead to infections and/or uncomfortable symptoms.
Every vaginal microbiome is different, and factors such as age, hormonal disruptions, and even antibiotic/probiotic use can contribute to changes.
Still wondering if we are a good fit?
Do you have some health symptoms, mental or physical, that you think I haven’t covered above? Are you wondering if it is too small or too big?
Feel free to contact Rebecca, and you can chat over the phone.